This Series titled - "Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations" and was hosted by the InKo Centre. This is a live, reflective, non-commercial conversation series anchored by both Vaani and AVIS. the happynesswalas™ explore the lived experiences of guests who have faced Life's upheavals stoically. Sharing from their own journey and those of their guests, Vaani and AVIS showcase learnings on the value of choosing Happiness in any situation or context, despite the circumstances. Audiences take away inspirations and reflections on living fully with what is!
Please scroll down to see pictures and videos from editions in 2017.
Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations on Saturday, August 19, 2017
Featuring Justin Vijay Yesudas!
When this edition of "Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations" began last evening, we believed that Justin Vijay Jesudas exuded supreme confidence. By the time we ended the conversation, 90 minutes later, we felt he personified equanimity and happiness - in the face of so much adversity. But what's beautiful is that Justin doesn't see his Life as challenged at all - he's at total peace with his "new normal".
It truly was a memorable conversation. He took us all through every emotion and every phase of his journey, post his accident on Dec 12, 2009 that has left him paralyzed neck below, and shared with us how Life can be lived meaningfully, purposefully, happily, despite the circumstances. He drives, swims and competes at international para swimming events, competes at national rifle-shooting events and surfs! We were delighted to meet Reeja and Justin's father too - Justin's family is so proud of who he is today, naturally!
Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations on Saturday, March 18, 2017
Featuring Sharada Vijay, Arun Oliver and Shankar!
Facing Life and being happy when all that you wanted is with you is a no-brainer. But what do you do when you are saddled with a Life that you never wanted or bargained for? What do you do when you are numbed by pain, are clueless and don't know what to do? How do you cope, how do you learn to be happy despite your circumstances? "Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations" was an event where Sharada Vijay, Arun Oliver and SG shared their Life journeys and learnings with us. Thanks Rathi Jafer and InKo Centre for, as always, being a gracious host and shifting the event to the Gallery on the ground floor - so people with special needs and difficulty in climbing stairs could attend as well!