This Series titled - "Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations" and was hosted by the InKo Centre. This is a live, reflective, non-commercial Conversation Series anchored by both Vaani and AVIS. the happynesswalas™ explore the lived experiences of guests who have faced Life's upheavals stoically. Sharing from their own journey and those of their guests, Vaani and AVIS showcase learnings on the value of choosing Happiness in any situation or context, despite the circumstances. Audiences take away inspirations and reflections on living fully with what is!
Please scroll down to see pictures and videos from editions in 2016.
Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations on Saturday, March 12, 2016
Featuring two beautiful people - noted fashion designer Sunil Menon C and theatre artist Angel Glady!
Imagine being trapped in a body for all your Life, when you actually feel different about who you are every single moment. Yet, you can’t express yourself, you can’t freely experience yourself, because you are having to please people around you and conform to social expectations. Angel and Sunil shared their perspectives, experiences and learnings, on their life’s journeys – on how they found happiness in being who they are.
People with a different orientation are either greeted with stigma or are slotted as activists. Society rarely pauses to reflect on how they feel. This conversation with Glady and Sunil, helped all of us in the audience empathize and relate to people with a different orientation better. We realized that they are also like us – they too are capable of and thrive on love, compassion and understanding.