This Series titled - "Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations" and was hosted by the InKo Centre. This is a live, reflective, non-commercial Conversation Series anchored by both Vaani and AVIS. the happynesswalas™ explore the lived experiences of guests who have faced Life's upheavals stoically. Sharing from their own journey and those of their guests, Vaani and AVIS showcase learnings on the value of choosing Happiness in any situation or context, despite the circumstances. Audiences take away inspirations and reflections on living fully with what is!
Please scroll down to see pictures and videos from editions in 2015.
Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations on Saturday, November 7, 2015
Featuring Chennai's most loved artist and icon, Manohar Devadoss.
Our Special Guest Mano touched our souls and inspired us sharing what he has learnt living Life at his own terms even as he came to terms with his Life. His wife Mahema turned quadriplegic after a ghastly accident in December 1972. Mano's eyesight itself started receding around then and he eventually turned totally blind. Yet, for 35 years after the accident, till Mahema's passing in 2008, Mano cared for her and ensured she never developed a single bedsore. How did Mano cope with his Life - while supporting Mahema and raising their daughter Sujatha; and after Mahema's passing? "I saw no point in moping and mourning. Here was a practical situation. We simply had to deal with it. I have lived with it and been happy until today. I can't speak for tomorrow, but up to the moment, I have coped and am happy," says Mano. He makes it sound so easy! His message to everyone: "Meet Life with abundant humor daily - it may not make your problems go away, but will help you deal with them a lot better!"
Heart of Matter - Happiness Conversations on Saturday, August 1, 2015
Featuring the most-inspiring Malvika Iyer, a bilateral amputee, model, social worker and research scholar, and her super-resilient mother, Hema Malini.
Malvika lost both her arms in a freak bomb blast 13 years ago. But she's moved on. "You have to simply accept the Life you have and focus on being happy," she said. Hema added, "I believe in God. And so I trust that if I have been given a situation, I will be given the means to face it too." Vaani's point: "Never let anyone or anything come in the way of your happiness." And AVIS summed it up saying: "Happiness is an inside job. Only you are responsible for your happiness."